Reference soil Costa Rica 02: Umbrisol
Umbrisols occur mainly in regions where precipitation exceeds considerably the evapotranspiration. They are dominantly associated with acid parent materials.
Soils having an umbric horizon (deep, brownish or blackish surface horizon with a significant accumulation of organic matter and low base saturation). They have no diagnostic horizons other than an anthropedogenic horizon less than 50 cm thick, or an albic or cambic horizon.
Reference soil CR002: Umbrisols
A 'raised bed' technique was applied some years ago, with the result that about 30 cm soil was put on top of the original profile. At present the site is drained with drain ditches. Brief description of the soil: Very deep, moderately well to well drained, dark brown sandy clay soil. Stratification of alluvial deposits well visible thoughout the profile. The soil horizons (thickness and gravel content) varies at short distance. The four walls of the pit show different sequences. The wall from which the monliths were taken, was described. Other walls had higher gravel content. Actual classification FAO (1988): Umbric Cambisol